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Stedet der en av de destruerte eiendommene sto i Yitzhar. Foto: IDF.

Opprør blant bosettere

Flere hundre av innbyggerne i bosetningen Yitzhar på Vestbredden brøt i morgentimene tirsdag ut i voldelige opptøyer De protesterte mot at israelske styrker fjernet fem ulovlig oppsatte bygninger

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Palestinere angriper Aish Kodesh etter det påståtte "prislapp"-angrepet, som israelsk politi var en konstruert provokasjon på palestinsk side. (Foto: Tazpit)

Bosetteres versjon

Såkalte laquo prislapp angrep raquo fra voldelige mindre bosettergrupper hvor de straffer palestinerne for noe den israelske regjeringens har vedtatt kan MIFF ikke forsvare Men det er ikke alltid anklagene fra palestinsk side om angrep fra bosettere viser seg å stemme

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Israel’s best arguments

Why is there need for a Jewish state? Why is there no peace between Palestinians and Israelis? What is the greatest barrier for a solution? What are the biggest mistakes Norwegian (and European) media do regarding Israel? Med Israel for fred (MIFF) is a pro-Israel organization operating in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland. From 2010 to 2020 MIFF distributed a magazine to 1.6 million letter boxes across Norway. This page has all the relevant content of the magazine translated to English. Thanks for sharing! Your feedback is welcome to post@miff.no. The above pie chart illustrates the relationship between the land area of the state of Israel and the land area of 17 Arab states. After 1948 the Jews were persecuted and forced to leave 99.82% of the Arab world from areas where Jews had been living for over 2,000 years. Each of the six old counties in Norway: Finnmark, Nordland, Hedmark, Troms, Oppland and Nord-Trøndelag, is larger than Israel. Israel’s size is similar in size to Slovenia, Wales and New Jersey. Antisemites of all kinds feel that this tiny region is far too big for the Jews. The majority of Jews in Israel would support a two-state solution if it meant that this would lead to genuine peace, where a state with a Jewish majority could be preserved. A two-state solution where both states are Arab is not a solution at all. “There will never be peace until the region recognizes Israel as an independent Jewish state,” said USA’s president Joe Biden in 2021. Israel cannot risk a rain of rockets on its major cities from the highlands on the West Bank. That’s why any Palestinian state must be demilitarized, with no possibility of arming itself with heavy weaponry or making military alliances with countries such as Iran and Syria.

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